Acquiring Property And Citizenship - Invest In Turkey

Acquiring Property and Citizenship In Turkey is considered as ''exceptional acquisition'' of citizenship. Almost all countries have made special arrangements to easily grant citizenship to people who have certain qualifications. Turkey is also among these countries. It is possible for some foreigners to acquire citizenship of the Republic of Turkey due to their close interest and connections with our country, in a much easier way than for any foreigner to acquire citizenship. This is called exceptional naturalization.

Regulations on Exceptional Citizenship Acquisition

Exceptional citizenship acquisition is codified within the terms of the:

Also, Guidence On The Regulation On Implementation Of Turkish Citizenship Law has been prepared to regulate the procedures and principles of the transactions regarding the acquisition of Turkish citizenship through the acquisition of real estate. To reach the guide, you may visit chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?

Acquiring property and citizenship in Turkey is also provisioned in the Article 35 and 36 of Law No. 2644 on Land Registry. Article 35 sets out provisions on the acquisition of real estate by foreign natural and legal persons. Article 36 sets out provisions on companies with foreign capital.

The Turkish Citizenship By Investment Program

Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program was first introduced on 12.01.2017 and amended significantly on 18.09.2018. According to the program, the one who purchases an immovable property worth equal or more than 250.000 USD within the borders of Turkish Republic with the condition of not selling the relevant immovable asset to another third party for 3 (three) years after the purchase, may acquire Turkish citizenship. This way of the acquaintance of citizenship is the most common way used in Turkish Immigration Law.

Acquiring Property And Citizenship In Turkey

Generally, in order to acquire citizenship by immovable asset purchasing, foreigners shall purchase real estate worth at least USD 250,000. Foreigners shall also state that they purchased the real estate for this purpose and the title deed states this purpose. Also, the applicants shall commit that they shall not sell the real estate for three years after the purchase. Once the purchase is complete, foreigners may apply to the administration to claim the right of residence or citizenship. Foreigners can apply by submitting the certificate of eligibility to the administration.

You may find detailed information regarding Immigration Law in Turkey at

9 Steps To Acquiring Property And Citizenship

  1. Obtaining a Tax Identification Number

    Foreigners can Tax identification number from any tax office in Turkey. However, you may not have the chance to go to a tax office in Turkey. Instead, foreigners also may get tax numbers through internet. For further information, you may visit

  2. Finding the Real Estate

    Foreigners may find a real estate by brokers for their citizenship purposes. However, not every foreigner may find a broker and meet in person. In case you can not have to find a broker, you may find a real estate through online purchase sites also.

  3. Real Estate Purchase or Making a Preliminary Contract for Sale

    The applicant needs to purchase a real estate from Turkey valued at a minimum price of 250.000 USD. However, applicant may also make a preliminary contract for sale at a notary regarding the sale of the real estate.

  4. Obtaining a Certificate of Conformity

    Applicants should apply to the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre, for obtaining a certificate of conformity.

  5. Obtaining a Short-Term Residence Permit

    Foreigners can obtain a short-term residence permit using the address of the property purchased, after the sale is complete.

  6. Obtaining The Real Estate Valuation Report

    Applicants should obtain a "Real Estate Valuation Report" which shows the market value of the real estate. Therefore, this report must denote that the market price of the real estate is equal or more than 250.000 USD. In addition, foreigners should obtain this report from an appraiser with a valid license.

  7. Applying for Place of Residence

    Foreigners may gather the necessary documents and apply for a place of residence to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management. For the related legislation, you may visit

  8. Applying for Turkish Citizenship

    After getting a place of residence, foreigners may apply for citizenship to the Provincial Directorate of Population and Citizenship.

  9. Interview and Fingerprint

    During the approval phase, the nearest provincial security directorate calls the applicant for fingerprinting and interview.

Antroya has done numerous acquirement proceedings and has been one of the best in this field of work ever since the relevant regulation entered into force. With its previous practices and experience in the area of Immigration Law in Turkey, Antroya is the right place for you when you are deciding to get citizenship by immovable asset purchasing. To see our services in this field of work, you may visit